If you already shop on Amazon, why not make your dollars count? When you sign up with PN2K, 0.5% of your eligible* Amazon purchases will go towards PN2K so we can continue addressing important bike safety issues! How to do this?

  1. Go to smile.amazon.com
  2. Sign up with "Phyo Nyi Nyi Kyaw Memorial Foundation"
  3. Remember to shop at Smile.amazon.com!

Need a visual? Follow our step-by-step below.

*Amazon determines which purchases are and are not eligible for AmazonSmile. The 0.5% means 0.5% of what you are already spending (no additional cost to you!) 


Signing up with AmazonSmile for PN2K in 3 Steps

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Congrats! That’s it. Now just remember to shop at smile.amazon.com whenever you want to make an Amazon purchase, and you’ll be contributing to our cause. Thank you!

The image below will appear if you are using Google Chrome as your browser. It will ask you if you want to install an extension (shortcut) to AmazonSmile. Essentially what this does is whenever you want to shop at Amazon.com, click on this button - it will take you directly to smile.amazon.com (instead of amazon.com) where 0.5% of all your eligible purchases will go towards support PN2K! Remember, shop at smile.amazon.com (not amazon.com)! 


Optional (for Google Chrome users only)

Adding a "shortcut button" to AmazonSmile (in 3 more clicks)

Click on "Install from Chrome Web Store"

Click on "+FREE"

Click "Add" and wait for installation to complete.

Congrats! You have successfully installed the AmazonSmile extension. Now each time you want to make a purchase at Amazon, click this button (it takes you to smile.amazon.com) and start your shopping!