Cornucopia, rain, and bikes


Every 2nd Friday of the month, Boston Bike Party holds these large parties - on bikes! Organizers and volunteers plan a ride around town - so if you have no plans on a Friday evening, you have a bike, and the weather's great, you have NO EXCUSE not to join us. How about when it's drenching (like this past Friday)? To be fair, the rain let off by the time the ride started (thank goodness!) Personally speaking (and I hope this helps others), I don't have fenders on my bike - and because I love the lightweight look and feel of my bike, I haven't seriously thought to install them. Thus, the huge stripe of cold wet rain and mud that ran along my back afterwards. Oh well. Embrace, accept, and then you can properly enjoy splashing through puddles. 

For the first time since summer, the bike ride reverted to Winter Mode, meaning volunteers helped to control traffic at intersections in order to keep the group safe and together. The music was an eclectic compilation of sorts - But when songs like "Lean on Me" and other familiar pop songs came on, it was hard not to bounce around to the beat of the music. It was just really awesome, surrounded by bikers in costumes, doing wheelies, playing drums, and ringing cowbells - overall a really positive and vibrant feel. 

The rain did nothing to abate Yaoming and Dingfang's enthusiasm to capture some highlights (click here for full album photos)

So, how to join? It's easy: if you've never been and want to cycle with us to Copley Square, meet us at the MIT Student Center front steps (either 6:45 PM or 7:15 PM - check with Boston Bike Party's website and follow along on our Facebook community page as we announce updates from the PN2K side). Don't forget the Boston Halloween Bike Ride on October 31, which was my official first large group ride - it was a BLAST. Keep on the lookout for more news. 

*Note to newbie cyclists wondering how to keep dry while cycling: find a store that sells legitimate camping gear for weatherproof items. 
