MIT PN2K February 2017 GBM

MIT PN2K (formally called Phyo Nyi Nyi Kyaw, MIT) is the MIT chapter of the Massachusetts incorporated 501(c)(3) PN2K Memorial Foundation. You don't need to own a bike to be a member, but it certainly does help as the MIT PN2K club holds activities that are centered around biking throughout the year (e.g., bike fests/repair events, bike rides)*.We are the first, and only club, at MIT that has ever attempted, and successfully, held student-led campus-wide bike safety rides during MIT orientation (2014, 2015). So, if you do own a bicycle (or unicycle -- we aren't picky), and/or want to get into casual/social biking as a way to explore and commute around the city, join us at our Spring General Body Meeting on Monday, February 27 at 5:30 PM. The meeting will be an general information session held at MIT, Building 1-135.  Learn how you can become a MIT PN2K member, how a membership will allow you to enjoy more benefits of biking around the city (well-maintained bikes for low-costs!), and how to join organized group rides. Note: we are not a racing club! We cycle casually, fix bikes, and enjoy post-rides over lunch at Bertucci's sometimes. Speaking of which, we'll have free pizza at our meeting. Come for the pizza and bring your friends!

You should also join our mailing list if you would like to learn of opportunities to purchase bike gear or ride bikes. Are you the leader type? See all positions that you can apply for for the coming semesters.

Safe biking, and we hope to see you there!

*Other options, if you don't have a bike: You can borrow a bike from a friend, buy a used bike from fellow cyclists, purchase a bike at a local shop or with our partners for a discount, or purchase a Hubway annual membership.